Circling Asianfuturisms: Edmond Chang and Larissa Lai in Conversation


Monday June 19, 2023    
6:00 - 7:00 pm CEST


Circling Asianfuturisms: Edmond Chang and Larissa Lai in Conversation is the closing seminar in the series “Insurgencies: Speculative Fiction, Cultural Organizing, and Utopian Thought” at the University of Huelva. 

In this seminar Edmond Chang and Larissa Lai will discuss the current state of Asian North American speculative fiction, with particular attention to the term “Asianfuturisms”. They will locate the term historically and relationally, and consider why it might be useful in the present. They will also talk about how Larissa’s fiction and poetry contributes to a more just and community-oriented world.

Edmond Y. Chang is an Assistant Professor of English at Ohio University. His areas of research include technoculture, race, gender, and sexuality, queer game studies, popular culture, and 20/21C American literature.  Recent publications include “Imagining Asian American (Environmental) Games” in AMSJ,  “Why are the Digital Humanities So Straight?” in Alternative Historiographies of the Digital Humanities, and “Queergaming” in Queer Game Studies.  He is also an Assistant Editor for Analog Game Studies and a Contributing Editor for Gamers with Glasses

Monday, June 19th, 18:00 CEST (Central European Summer Time). Registrants will receive a Zoom link shortly prior to the event. To register, visit the Series website.



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