the glorious outdoors

Sandy and Chris came by to rescue me the day before yesterday. We met Travis (Maneki Neko) for breakfast at Dairy Lane. (In an odd twist of fate, he injured his hand while pushing boards through a table saw, several days after I fell. A board bucked back at him and took out his knuckle. Plastic surgeons replaced the knuckle with a titanium joint. Too bad it doesn’t come with a remote control.)

After breakfast, we spent the afternoon walking/crutching through Kensington. Man, was it ever good to get outside. Nothing like a battle wound to remind you of the things you usually take for granted.

I sent apologies to the European organizers of my tour a few days ago, and have received nice notes back. I’m hoping the trip can be rescheduled. What crappy timing!

It’s interesting being forced to slow down. I wish I was in more of a mood to work. Not being able to practice yoga is killing me. My head feels like it is full of bees.

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